Monday, January 26, 2009

Power plays and mind games..

It's 9:30am Monday morning and despite having my blood counts taken at 5:40am, I still have no word on whether we are harvesting today or not. Even my actual blood counts seem to be a mystery even to the team of doctors that just visited me.

I must tell you about that visit as it was a priceless moment.
A team of four doctors entered my room led by the haematologist I do not like. The other three consisted of a more junior doctor and two in training. The very first thing out of the Haematologists mouth was "It doesn't look like you are going to mobilise, it should have happened days ago". That was it I had had enough of this negative, chinless, weak kneed twit!
I had two options, humiliate him with a few well chosen (and prepared words) or take control of the situation and steal what little authority this clown has, right in front of his peers. I chose the later.

I pointed out that the previous poor harvests were without IVE priming and that we were right on schedule for a good harvest. I asked him what today's counts were. He did not know.
I said we needed to look at my haemoglobin count as I was suffering extreme fatigue.
I said we needed to transfuse platelets today. He smirked and said "Oh why is that".
I replied that with a count of only 14 yesterday and steadily dropping we were probably looking at a figure of around 6-8 today. He instructed one of the juniors to note that down. He obviously hadn't read any of my medical notes from over the weekend before blundering into my room (read "Lions Den") completely uninformed and without any ammunition. Perfect!

I said my mouth ulcers had all but healed in the last 48 hours and that this was a good indication my white cells were starting to rally.
I said we could discontinue the anti-fungal drug now that the IV antibiotics had been stopped and that I also required a prescription for the Augmentin tablets that would need to be continued after I left.
It was fun, he had slowly moved from my bedside and worked his way towards the door as I gave him _my_ instructions .
Anxious to get away, He said "that seemed to cover everything" and I said "yes I think that's all". Deliberately having the last word and releasing him and his team from my room.
Aaah the power.. hehe.. and all done while I lay down (but importantly fully dressed and on the bed, not in it) and they stood.

Revenge can be sweet, and it's a lot more fun when it's done without the guy having any idea what it was that just happened, but for some reason he's feeling really small right now.
That was fun!. ...Teach him to be negative and patronising. (and nearly kill me, see previous posts)

OK, power-plays aside, I'm still waiting for a word on harvesting.. Shall post as soon as I know.


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